Members Resources

Rehearsal/Event Schedule

Rehearsals Thursdays at Harold Hawthorne Day Centre, 1900-2115.


Rules of Association

Rules of Association (new – approved and final)


Music Repertoire and Rehearsal Tracks

Make use of our rehearsal audio tracks.

Music is almost always provided digitally for members to print out themselves and bring to rehearsals. Please bring the whole repertoire to rehearsals (normal or Christmas depending on the season – including both for the time we’re transitioning). If you lack any of the repertoire, please email the Librarian who can send you a copy.

A useful list of links to youtube clips and other resources for practice is on our Current Repertoire page. See below for details about the Forum.

The current Librarian is: Sim T
The Current Repertoire page is on the Forum. New members will be given printed copies of either the normal or Christmas repertoire list (depending on the time of year they join), and after that members are responsible for printing their own music as required. The pdfs of the music are available on the TJ Google Drive -> Music Library -> Current Repertoire folder. Contact the librarian if you have difficulty accessing this.



The current committee is:

  • Graham J (president)
  • Wayne R (vice president)
  • Julia W (secretary)
  • Angela T (treasurer)
  • Angela F
  • Brendon J
  • Sim T

Members are welcome to raise any issues with any committee member and they can take them for discussion at committee meetings as appropriate. Alternatively, discussions can be started on the Forum where all members can discuss and things can go from there into a committee discussion/meeting is necessary.


TeamApp and Forum

We use TeamApp to record attendance and note dates of rehearsals and performances. New members will be sent an invitation to register for the site and join our “Team”.

There is a separate forum for discussion (about choir, music or just chit-chat!) open to TJ members only. Please follow the link and register for the site if you wish to take part. It asks for only a few details and you don’t need to be truthful on those anyway! Do use your correct email address though so that you can get notifications if people reply to your posts etc.

TJ Proboards Forum


Musical Links